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The Sports Center Is Open to the Public, Citizens Find Pleasure 

in Physical Fitness during Spring Festival

       Doing physical fitness activities and sports has become a new fashion for citizens to celebrate the Year of the Rooster Spring Festival. With the morning sun of the first day in the Lunar New Year, the Sports Center ushered in another physical fitness boom. During the sweet Spring Festival holidays, people have walked out of their homes to ‘charge’ their health while visiting their relatives and friends, welcoming the Spring Festival in such a unique way.

       During Spring Festival, staffs working at each stadium and site of the Sports Center have remained at their posts and strictly implemented safety and preventive measures to ensure its smooth operation. In the meantime, each stadium has set up with opening hours with no charges to create sound fitness environment for citizens. On the sports fields, some middle and old aged people were doing aerobatics, and some were walking; teenagers were playing football, basketball, and badminton in groups. Citizens of different ages could find what suit them here and participate in, enjoying fun from sports during holidays. Citizen Ms Yang said that she had reserved three badminton courts for the first day, second day and third day of the lunar year on January 26. She said that it had been the fixed plan over the previous Spring Festival holidays. ‘I eat too much during Spring Festival. I will gain weight of three jin if I do not do exercises. Exercises are necessary for losing weight.’ Mr. Zhang, who is in his 40s, failed to make a reservation; therefore, he chanced his luck to see if he could find an unoccupied badminton court on the day when he came to the Sports Center. He said that although the stadiums were open, the badminton courts were still hard to get. Since citizens have stronger fitness sense, it is difficult to reserve a badminton court during Spring Festival. Learning from this, I should reserve earlier next year.

       Citizens’ active participation in physical fitness activities during Spring Festival holidays attributes to, on the one hand, the transition of their fitness concepts, on the other hand, the fact that the public stadiums are open during festivals to provide convenience for citizens to engage in physical fitness activities. One person in charge in the Sports Center told the reporter, ‘citizens give thumbs to free admission and services of the Sports Center on festivals and holidays. We should provide services for citizens who keep exercising, maintain fitness habits, and exercise healthy lifestyles on festivals and holidays.’

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